Palabras de Bienvenida

Bendiciones queridos hermanos House Of Prayer en Español “Casa de Oración” les da la bienvenida. Nuestro objetivo principal es fortalecer los lazos de unidad de todas las familias que acudan a esta casa. Nuestro gran anhelo es enfocarnos en edificar y construir con bases sólidas familias unidas con el amor de Dios y su palabra que nos llena de bendiciones. Aquí adoramos a Dios, lo alabamos con gran clamor y estudiamos su palabra con el fin de mantener todos los días esa armadura de Dios que nos hace valientes y fuertes ante cualquier problema.

Nuestros servicio

Los servicios empiezan con adoración y alabanza, un clamor, saludos, ofrenda, y una palabra poderosa que llenará su alma.

Los niños son despedidos a su clase después de la adoración y alabanza. Los niños aprenden las historias bíblicas con juegos, cantos y actividades físicas que permiten que nuestros hijos desarrollen talentos y disfruten de un refrigerio saludable.

con profesionales y amigos maravillosos que son de gran ayuda y que pueden ser sus mejores amigos y aliados para enfrentar con el poder de la oración sus preocupaciones, angustias y todo lo que usted quiera para que Dios pelee sus batallas.


Este servicio en español es una parte muy importante de House Of Prayer en Español que además cuenta con diferentes canales de ayuda para su enriquecimiento espiritual y familiar que lo estamos poniendo a su servicio a través de reuniones como:

Pastor Ismael Agosto

1263 Thomaston Ave Waterbury CT 06704

Pastor Robin Agosto

1263 Thomaston Ave Waterbury CT 06704

1. Every staff and leader of the GM & RR must wear a mask prior to entering the church and would need to keep it ON until they go to their Clubroom. Their temperature will be checked and hands sanitized before being allowed to go inside the church.
2. Every leader from the GM and RR will disinfect their Clubroom prior to the children arriving.
3. Every child/teen of the GM and RR must have a completed registration and a signed Covid-19 Waiver before being able to stay in GM and RR Ministries. If a child/teen will be completing the lessons virtually, only the registration is needed.
4. Child/teen (3 years and over), parent and/or adult bringing the child to church must wear a mask.
5. The child/teen and the parent/adult would have their temperature taken. If either of them have a temperature higher than 100 degrees, the child would not be able to stay. The child/teen would not be allowed to attend GM or RR for the next 14 days. We will pray for the child and parent.
6. A child/teen or parent/adult who has traveled to a state with a high number of Covid-19 in less than 14 days or is showing any symptoms of Covid-19, would not be allowed to attend the GM or RR Ministries for the next 14 days.
7. Once a child/teen in GM is allowed to go inside the church, entrance to the church will be on the main entrance (on the front only). Their hands will be sanitized and they will weekly be signed-in by and parent/adult. Then they will be brought to the sanctuary by a parent or registration staff to their respective Club Leader. All children/teens and adults must keep their masks on while in the sanctuary.
8. The child/teen in the RR will be met by a RR leader at the entrance of the main temple and then brought down to the Family Life Center (FLC). Once at the FLC, the child/teen with their leaders, will conduct their worship and then will go to their respective Clubroom.
9. While inside the temple and in the clubroom, social distance will be followed by GM and RR.
10. The child/teen in the GM will remain with their Club leader in the sanctuary and when the prayer, worship and announcements are over each Club will go to their Clubroom. The children/teens will remain in their own club or group at all times.
11. Once in the Clubroom, the child/teen in the GM and RR will have their hands sanitized once again and will be allowed to remove their masks only with parental permission.
12. At the end of GM and RR weekly session, the GM and RR girl/boys and teens will have their hands sanitized once again and will put their face masks on.
13. The parent/adult can pick up the child/teen at the church/GM office entrance (prior Daycare office). A GM registration staff will meet the parent/adult and the child/teen will be brought to them.
14. At the end, the RR boy/teen will be brought from the FLC to the main building by a RR leader and parents/adults are to wait for them outside the temple.
15. Each GM and RR leader will disinfect their own Clubrooms at the end of each session.

Girls Ministry

Wednesdays 7-8:30pm in the Main Building

Our mission is to win girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. To teach them to obey everything that Jesus commands us to do. Developing girls spiritually and mentally, and provide encouragement, support and accountability through lasting Christian relationship. To provide an environment for girls to develop their gifts and abilities and acquaint them with the great commission of Jesus Christ our Lord.

1. Every staff and leader of the GM & RR must wear a mask prior to entering the church and would need to keep it ON until they go to their Clubroom. Their temperature will be checked and hands sanitized before being allowed to go inside the church.
2. Every leader from the GM and RR will disinfect their Clubroom prior to the children arriving.
3. Every child/teen of the GM and RR must have a completed registration and a signed Covid-19 Waiver before being able to stay in GM and RR Ministries. If a child/teen will be completing the lessons virtually, only the registration is needed.
4. Child/teen (3 years and over), parent and/or adult bringing the child to church must wear a mask.
5. The child/teen and the parent/adult would have their temperature taken. If either of them have a temperature higher than 100 degrees, the child would not be able to stay. The child/teen would not be allowed to attend GM or RR for the next 14 days. We will pray for the child and parent.
6. A child/teen or parent/adult who has traveled to a state with a high number of Covid-19 in less than 14 days or is showing any symptoms of Covid-19, would not be allowed to attend the GM or RR Ministries for the next 14 days.
7. Once a child/teen in GM is allowed to go inside the church, entrance to the church will be on the main entrance (on the front only). Their hands will be sanitized and they will weekly be signed-in by and parent/adult. Then they will be brought to the sanctuary by a parent or registration staff to their respective Club Leader. All children/teens and adults must keep their masks on while in the sanctuary.
8. The child/teen in the RR will be met by a RR leader at the entrance of the main temple and then brought down to the Family Life Center (FLC). Once at the FLC, the child/teen with their leaders, will conduct their worship and then will go to their respective Clubroom.
9. While inside the temple and in the clubroom, social distance will be followed by GM and RR.
10. The child/teen in the GM will remain with their Club leader in the sanctuary and when the prayer, worship and announcements are over each Club will go to their Clubroom. The children/teens will remain in their own club or group at all times.
11. Once in the Clubroom, the child/teen in the GM and RR will have their hands sanitized once again and will be allowed to remove their masks only with parental permission.
12. At the end of GM and RR weekly session, the GM and RR girl/boys and teens will have their hands sanitized once again and will put their face masks on.
13. The parent/adult can pick up the child/teen at the church/GM office entrance (prior Daycare office). A GM registration staff will meet the parent/adult and the child/teen will be brought to them.
14. At the end, the RR boy/teen will be brought from the FLC to the main building by a RR leader and parents/adults are to wait for them outside the temple.
15. Each GM and RR leader will disinfect their own Clubrooms at the end of each session.

Royal Rangers

Wednesdays 7-8:30pm in the Family Life Center

Royal Rangers is a mentoring program for future Godly men. We foster Christ like character formation and servant leadership development in grades kindergarten through eight. We do this with activities that focus on friendship, faith building, interactive learning, and service to others merit badge attainment in a fun environment.

HOP/KIDS en Español

Todos los domingos los niños serán despedidos a sus clases apropiadas después de la alabanza y adoración. Tendremos voluntarios que estarán educando a nuestros niños sobre verdades bíblicas para enriquecer sus vidas diariamente. También tendrán tiempo libre para hacer manualidades y diferentes actividades durante el año. Cada Quinto domingo sera dedicado a la familia donde los niños nos presentaran lo que han aprendido. Nuestra meta es crear un ambiente donde los niños pueden crecer en su fe.

HOP Youth

Wednesdays 7-8:30pm in the Family Life Center

Chosen Generation reaches young people of all nations from 13 to 18 years of age with the Love of God and the Word of God. We endeavor to teach today’s youth the uncompromising truth of God’s Word through worship, prayer, Biblical teaching application and by our example. We pray and believe through these methods, that this Chosen Generation will rise up in the authority given through Christ Jesus and expand God’s kingdom here in Waterbury and the uttermost parts of the earth.

Vasijas de Honra

El enfoque del ministerio de mujeres, Vasijas de Honra, es alentar. El enfoque de este ministerio es motivar y enseñar a todas las mujeres por medio de discusiones informativas y programas para que puedan tener una relación mas intima con Dios el Padre por medio de Jesucristo.

Mens Ministry - House of Prayer Church - Waterbury Connecticut
Mens Ministry - House of Prayer Church - Waterbury Connecticut

Hombres de Poder

Nuestra misión como hombres es glorificar a Dios en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas, viviendo como líderes espirituales de nuestras familias, edificando a otros hombres y fortaleciendonos unos a otros en el Señor. Nuestro ministerio de hombres es dedicado a formar hombres de Dios que sean fuertes espiritualmente. Estamos comprometidos a abarcar el hombre en su totalidad y motivar nuestros hermanos en lo que tiene que ver con su mente, cuerpo y alma.

Estudio Bíblico

estudios bíblicos por época los Jueves en las tardes. Preparece para estar equipado con la palabra de Dios en su diario vivir.

Servicio de Oración

los Viernes de 10:00pm a 1:00 am tenemos oración en el Family Life Center. También tenemos servicios de oración los Jueves en la tarde por epoca.